Marketing in the News: Coca-Cola's recent marketing campaign embraces diversity and emphasizes the work of small artists

Concentrated marketing tactics are the key to companies getting the most out of their marketing efforts. Understanding one’s brand is the first step to planning a well-rounded marketing strategy, enabling brands to identify the specific group of consumers they desire to target. From there, companies can piece together a marketing plan that will enable them to reach the exact people who will buy their products. 

What happens, then, when your product is known by and can be consumed by everyone? Coca-Cola is a brand that has been around since 1892. It has been enjoyed by the masses as a cold refreshing fountain drink ever since, and has become a household name. The company has stated that they embrace inclusivity, and seek to empower those who desire to make a change. Popularity aside, the company is still making an effort to keep their brand fresh, reminding consumers of their goal to bring people together. For large companies like Coca-Cola, crafting a highly focused marketing strategy can be difficult due to the versatility of their product. 

Coca-Cola's most recent marketing efforts have focused on embracing the variety and uniqueness among the masses. Their large-scale advertising campaign has shined the spotlight on smaller independent artists. Along with celebrating
diversity, Coca-Cola’s is also aiming to
“embrace the small moments,” as defined by Asa Hiken, associate editor at Marketing Dive. Gaming has been among some of the main focuses of the campaign, reflecting to customers how their product can bring everyone together. In the two-minute video released by the company, two rival gamers are brought together as they share the refreshing beverage. 

By embracing current trends and celebrating diversity among the masses, Coca Cola has been able to keep their classic brand and product current. While the brand's most recent marketing efforts have proven to be effective, there are some additions that could be made to further emphasize the brand’s purpose of “Refreshing the world” and “Making a difference.” Within Coca-Cola’s very broad customer base, there are many smaller groups and interests that the brand could appeal to in their advertisements. Similar to gamers, artists, college students, and working adults can all be brought together through sharing a Coke. Additionally, showing support for the small businesses that have been affected by the pandemic would be another way the company can empower and inspire people through these difficult times. In their marketing campaigns, Coca-Cola could highlight independently owned restaurants who sell their products, offering them promotion to their very broad audience. In turn, this will allow the company to give back to the community they are working to serve. 

Coca-Cola’s recent marketing efforts have offered valuable insight regarding how large companies go about targeting their broad audience in a strategic and specialized way. By bringing emphasis to the small moments shared, Coca-Cola has been able to bring more awareness to their classic product, putting their brand in the minds of the younger generations. Supporting smaller artists within their campaign has kept them true to their brand’s mission of embracing diversity and empowering those around them. In turn, the company has refreshed their brand and captured the attention of consumers.



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